Keeping your baby's safe is the most important thing for any mother. Most babies loves to crawl and get into everything, and keeping them away from all harmful products is very simple. Nowadays they have many product to help baby proof your house. One of the most popular brand is Safety 1st. Safety 1st provides all the essential to baby proofing your home. I have come up with a top 5 list of the most important products that a parent may need. Safety 1st is an expensive, I recommend purchase from reputable companies and whatever is the cheapest.
1.Baby Gates
Baby gates help keep your child from climbing up the stairs and falling they may also help blocking the kitchen when cooking or anywhere else you may deem dangerous for your child
2.Outlet Covers
Outlet covers are essentially a protective casing on plugs all over the house. They prevent children form getting electric shocks or having them stick something in the plugs that may cause them to get hurt
3.Door handle covers
These covers help you keep your child from being able to open doors to rooms that you may not want them to get into. The front door is another place you may want to use this cover on. This prevents the child from being able to go outside and depending on where you live, prevent them from getting to the main road and possibly cause them to get severely injured
4.Cupboard and Drawer locks
Kids like to open up cupboards and explore. Some of our cupboards or drawers have chemicals and or sharp objects that can hurt the child. Having those locks help prevent your child to ingest anything that can cause bodily harm or hurt them.
5. Toilet seat locks
The bathroom contains the most bacteria and kids love to put their hands in the toilet its the easiest thing to reach and in their perspective the most intriguing. By having a lock on the toilet it prevents them from getting their hand in there and kids are notorious for throwing various objects in the toilet which could cause a major plumbing problem.
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