Thursday, 23 January 2014

Baby Has Arrived.. Now What

Congratulations! The most difficult part is over.. the Delivery.

Time to cut the umbilical cord...

You have just delivered your precious bundle of joy, and your wondering why the nurse or obstetrician has taken them to an examining table. This is normal, this is to ensure that your little one has no respiratory issues; to gather the weight and height, and to place a diaper on the baby. At this time they also place a plastic clamp on the remaining piece of the umbilical cord to keep it in place. It will change colour and fall off within the first 2 weeks. This process takes approximately 5-7 minutes and then they will swaddle your baby in a blanket, these blankets are just for use within the hospital. Once the nurse or doctor brings your little one back they will place him or her on the new mom's chest to establish bonding. This bond helps baby to connect to the mother in an intimate way as well as it starts the process of breast milk to start being produced and flowing.

First Time moms, tend to stay in the hospital more than 24 hours, as nurses want to show you how to cradle, feed, and bathe your little one. In some instances you might be there more than a few days if your baby has a condition called Jaundice.( It is not a serious condition, it is with regards to to the pigment of the child's skin, they may have a yellow-like pigment. It is easily correct using UV Light Therapy) There are other tests that are preformed such as hearing, and a few blood test. The blood test hurts the parents more than the child, as there is nothing they can do as they watch the doctors prick the heel of your child and squeeze the blood out.

The nurse will remind you to make an appointment to see either your family doctor/general practitioner or the pediatrician 2-3 days after the birth, to ensure they have baby's updated height and weight, and see how the baby is progressing. You will also be reminded to apply for the birth certificate, record of live birth, health card and social insurance card, this can be done online or the hospital will provide you with a paper version that must be filled out before departure of the hospital.

Now it is time to take the little one home, make sure you have a change of clothes as well as your baby must be placed in an infant car seat, with a 5 point harness and is properly secured or you will not be able to leave the hospital!
The next few days and weeks are crucial as both baby and new parents are in a learning phase. It is normal to make mistakes or not know what to do. Each parent is different, yes books and family may help but you need to do what is natural to you and your family.

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